Winter hangs on...
(and it's getting really tiresome!)
Corn shocks in an Amish neighbor's field |
It's the 10th of March, 2013, and Wisconsin seems to be stuck in a February weather warp! Bike riding ranges between unpleasant and imposible. Take today's ride as an example...
I worked in the morning and watched the weather hoping for an afternoon ride after work. Rain was supposed to start around 5pm but on my drive home from work at 2:00 pm, the rain had already began. Undaunted, I dressed in normal 30 to 40 degree undergarments, but drug out my Sterns rain suit and slipt into my rubber barn boots.
I was on the highway by 3:30 pm and chose a 12 mile route from my place to Lime Ridge, then out highway K where I turned onto Meyer Road. The southeast crosswind on Meyer Road was blowing my pant leg into the chain and sprocket, so I stopped to wrap a bungie cord around my right ankle. A truck stopped and asked me if I was alright... I guess I was as alright as any sane person riding bicycle on a thirty degree windy day in Wisconsin during a driving rain!
I was doing O.K. until about 7 miles into the ride. I realized I had forgotten my cell phone, forgotten an energy bar, and I was going into a sugar crash!
I couldn't call for help or I might have, but now I could only struggle through until I arrived home. I rode as easily as I could but still felt the familiar effects of low blood sugar. My world shrinks and when it's over it's like I've been somewhere else.
I watch the water spraying off my front tire, curving into a four inch arch before it's blown horizontal to the highway in the crosswind. I stop thinking of anything except the next push on the peddle... the line on the edge of the highway... I breathe... in, out, in, out... At the last hill, I stop and get off and walk. My legs feel like they're made of concrete. Numb. Heavy. The rain that has been pelting my face like little ice bombs begin to let up a little and I feel myself coming back around as I enter the last mile of my journey.
Friday's ride on Frank Road |
The driveway is too treturous, and I'm too tired to peddle up it, so I dismount and walk up to the house. I'm shaky. Blood sugar is in the 80's by now... but I've returned!
Sandy makes me a bowl of tomato soup and Puff comes sits on my lap as I cuddle into dry clothes on the couch.
A 12 mile ride today... 9 miles yesterday because I had to cut my ride short. Sandy picked me up so we could get into Reedsburg and sign our income taxes... 22 miles on Thursday for a total of 252 miles for the year.
The winter miles are hard miles. I can't wait until spring and summer arrive! I can't wait to jump on my bike with a pair of shorts on, and nothing else, and ride...