Riders getting ready.... |
The 2012 Tyranena Oktoberfest Bike Ride was the first group biking event that I've been involved in. Up until now, with only a couple of exceptions, I've riden solo for the entire 1400+ miles that I've traveled this summer. Today was a very different experience; I was rider number 1466 out of the event's 1750 participants! I didn't get a photo of the line of bikers out on the highway but believe me when I say it was impressive.
Plenty of port-a-potty's and outdoor tables. |
My tag number |
I set my alarm for 6:00 am, as I had to finish packing, load up the bike, and try to imagine how to dress and what to bring with me on this ride. The morning was cold. Overnight lows were in the 30's and by the start of the ride the temperature had only climbed into the low 40's.
I thought I would ride the full 70 miles, if possible, but three things got in my way: hills, wind, and cold. Although over the summer, I have riden 50 and 60+ miles in a day, I think the 25 miles I rode today was pushing my limit! Where I ride in Sauk, Richland, and Juneau counties, we have hills... plenty of them. I had hoped that the Lake Mills, Wisconsin area might be a little flatter. Not so! They have hills too! The second curse of the day was wind. Predictions were for westerly winds of around 10 mph, turning northwesterly by afternoon. I left Lake mills around 10:00 or later, and headed what seemed north towards Waterloo and I swear the wind was in our face the whole way! The third curse was that being so cold and having to dress warm, and then working so hard against the wind, it resulting in becoming overly hot and sweating profusely. On our first break, at the Trek facility in Waterloo, I quickly became cold although I was wearing Under Armor clothing. I was soaked inside!
Riders at the first rest stop. Food tent and a bike repair truck. |
I dawdled a bit before I left the Trek rest stop. Apparently, I lingered for too long. I wasn't sure how to read the map of the different routes, and then I misplaced my map, so I followed the line of bikers, not thinking about where the different routes split off. After a few miles though, I began to sense that I was no longer with the fast riders I traveled with before, so I pulled up to someone and asked which route we were on... the 25 mile one! I had missed the turn a couple miles back for the 50 and 70 mile route, but by then I also understood that time was going to be an issue. I average 10 to 12 mph and that's about the best I can do with my bike, this morning I came in at 11.?? which wasn't bad for me, but was way too slow for the longer courses. Had I maintained that speed and setled for the 50 mile route I wouldn't have finished until 4:00pm or later! At that point, I settled back to enjoy as much as possible the short run.
Very pretty in the tent and warmer than outside,
but not enough! |
A pork sandwich, fruit, potato salad, chips and cookies! |
I arrived back at the tent and cashed in my meal and drink ticket. The food was good and so was the Blond and Porter ales. I would have bought a few 6 packs at $7 but didn't feel like trying to bike them back to the car... where ever that was at! Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten a real good sense of the layout of the town. My car was in a lot a few blocks away from the brewery but I didn't have a clue! At least when I forget where I pack in Wal-mart I know the car has to be somewhere in the parking lot, but now cold, tired, and just wanting to get into a warm vehicle... I knew I parked somewhere in Lake Mills! I took off on the bike and was actually heading in the right direction when I doubted myself and turned back to eventually take a back road, turn on my cell's Navigator, and finally find my vehicle.
It was a long day but a fun time. I hope to do it again next year. I hope the weather is better like it was earlier in the week, and I'll know how to watch for the route signage now. My bike is a good one, a Specialized, but old and heavy. I watched the people who blew by me with their shinny Treks and Cannondales. Sure, they were probably in their 20's, 30's or 40's and I'm 61 going on 62, but I hope I can upgrade by next year...
For now, I have warm-weather clothing and maybe time enough left this year to achieve my goal of 2,000 miles for the year.
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