Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fish Pond Road

Roads I've never traveled before... Fish Pond, I love it!
September rides.... I had a few days off from biking during my recent weekend. I was busy, it rained, one thing and another, and the days slip past. I got back on track yesterday with an eighteen-mile comeback. This morning, I rode 24 miles as I took the back roads from Lime Ridge to Reedsburg and then came back home. My total for the year is now over 1,100 miles!

I'm watching the fields as I ride, the corn harvest is beginning.

I smell the air. Today I smell corn silage. I smell a smoky smell of something burning and the pungent smell of fresh spread manure slurry on fields. Sometimes I pass newly cut hay and that smells sweet, other times I smell death, dead animals, I usually can't tell if it's a dead wild animal like a deer or coon, or if it's a domestic animal nearby but I smell death in the air. I look forward to the fall smells of dry leaves and dead grass.

I ride by so many homes and farms. I try not to stare, but I get ideas as I see things that other people have done. The building at the left interested me. It's a combination of concrete floor and temporary tent style structure.

 I worry about dogs, I don't want to be bitten but occasionally I'm chased. As I passed the farm with the tent style calf barn, a little doggie came out to chase me.

I used voice command, "No!"and "Go home", and the little doggie can't keep up as I peddle down the road. There have been other dogs, bigger dogs, and I wasn't going downhill but up. Those are scarier times. I've seen other riders with canine teethe marks on their legs, I don't want to be like them but I haven't decided on a good solution yet. So far, I've been lucky.... so far!

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